PrayerPlease pray that our ministry will reach a growing number of persons
nationwide to the glory of our Lord God Almighty.
DonationsYour tax deductible donations
of any size are used to spread God's salvation message to new audiences nationwide. Creation Science Network is supported
exclusively through donations by individuals and organizations. Help Sponsor "Exploring God's Creation" Radio Program
Help spread the Word by partnering with us to
expand our weekly creation radio program "Exploring God's Creation." Your pledge contribution
enables us to expand into new cities around the country. Contact Us Today for more information.
Host A Creation Seminar or Workshop
a creation seminar, workshop or Bible study at your church, school or youth event. We help with arrangements and publicity.
All presentations are fun, easy to understand, and highly graphic using the latest computer techniques, enjoyable for
audiences ages 5-105.
Help Distribute Information We welcome the opportunity to work with your church or youth group
and offer quantity discounts of the book and DVD, The Truth About Creation & Evolution and radio CD's
of "Exploring God's Creation." They are great study aids in your adult or youth Bible
Creation Science Network 4607
NE Cedar Creek Rd. Woodland, WA 98674 360-225-8215
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