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Library: New "Missing Link" Not a Missing Link

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New "Missing Link" Not a Missing Link
By Bob Knopf

In celebration of Darwin’s 200th birthday, we could have guessed that there would be a new evolutionary “missing link” discovery. And, it’s happened. There’s now a new reported “missing link” that shows all humankind descended from apes.

Is this new find, now dubbed Ida, truly a missing link? Does this prove evolution? Did we all descend from apes? The quick answer is a resounding “No!”

The new missing link in reality is a skeleton of a lemur monkey. It’s small, 21 inches long, and half of this is tail. (It’s amazing what evolutionists will attempt to pass off as our human ancestor.)

The fossil was found in two parts by an amateur fossil hunter in Germany in 1983. It hung on a private collector’s wall until 2006 when lemur "Ida" came into the hands of a private dealer, Thomas Perner, who took her to the Hamburg Fossil and Mineral Fair in Germany. It was there, in the dimly lit world of fossil-trading, that Perner learned the possible market price. Perner asked for more than $1 million – ten times the amount of even the rarest of fossils on the black market. You know the saying: "follow the money."
Professor Jorn Hurum of Norway Natural History Museum purchased and brought the fossil to his laboratory, where he dubbed it “Ida.”

The discovery is now being heralded with unprecedented media hype, including a new documentary on the evolution-driven History channel, and of course, there’s a new book on this “remarkable discovery.”

Ida was unveiled to the world on May 19 and was described by experts as “the eighth wonder of the world. Of particular interest, however, is that the researchers claim that this alleged transitional species finally confirms Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. (Isn’t this odd, because to listen to evolutionists you would have thought evolution had already been proven.)

Professor Hurum commented, “This fossil will probably be pictured in all the textbooks for the next hundred years.” (Sadly, he’s probably right. And then it will disappear like the other false missing links before it.)

Sir David Attenborough has made the claim: “This little creature is going to show us our connection with the rest of the mammals.” Well, it may show him his connection, but not yours or mine. Rest assured, we were all created in the image of the Almighty God.

The claims that humankind evolved from primates certainly isn’t new. Here are a few more “missing-links” found in school textbooks and even on display in museum collections, even though they have been discredited years ago.

Cro-Magnon Man
was discovered in France in 1868 and was at first claimed to be a cave-man, but has long since been acknowledged to be true modern day man.

Neandertal Man
was discovered in 1887 and led many to believe man’s ancestor was the ape. It is fully human.

Piltdown Man. Discovered near Darwin’s old home in 1912, it portrayed the classic ape-man figure in textbooks and museum displays until 1957 when it was exposed as a fake, an outright fraud.

Java Man was discovered by Eugene Dubois in 1891, it consisted of a tooth and the upper part of the skull which he first thought was that of a chimpanzee. A year later he found a thighbone (femur) in the same area that belonged to an upright walking creature, and he became convinced all the bones were from the same human-like anthropoid later classified as Homo erectus. It turned out that the tooth and the thighbone were human but the skull cap was from a giant gibbon

Nebraska Man
was depicted as a semi-hairy naked man and woman carrying clubs, but they had been fabricated from a single tooth found in the state of Nebraska. However, by 1927 it had been found that the tooth was that of a wild pig.

, discovered in 1974 (announced in 1978) was claimed by Donald Johansen to be the ancestor of man, even though the hands, feet, knees and most of the skull were missing. These are the key parts where man and ape differ. Lucy was disproven by Johansen himself in 1996. Lucy is an extinct form of orangutan but she’s still in the school textbooks today.

Why is this important? Because we need to understand that the Bible is the Holy Word of God. It's perfect and true throughout its entire content. This is important because the Bible tells us about God's Special Promise to Each of Us, and how we can spend eternity with God in heaven.

For more information on this topic, Visit "Are We Ape-Men."

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